Campus Hambaken construction update

November 10, 2022
Campus Offices

When Campus Hambaken came into the picture, they first looked at what of it could be saved and re-used, but it turned out to be quite bad that the decision was made to strip the entire building. After demolition, they began rebuilding from top to bottom. Each floor is completed with new flooring and a fresh coat of paint. If desired, the floors can be subdivided by inner walls. However, the second and third floors have already been divided.

We are also busy installing pantries, and we are in the process of demolishing the communal space called the social heart of the building. The social heart will be modern and will have the same looks as our location Campus Delta. The entrance will be one of the eye-catchers of Campus Hambaken. There will be a large bar including a caterer who will be available every day. To complete the entrance, an eye-catching artwork will be hung in the space above the bar which will be visible from every floor. To make Campus Hambaken even more unique, we are also developing a rooftop terrace.

In the coming period, the focus is still on the first floor, the social heart, and the first and second floors. We can’t wait until it is finished and can welcome everyone!

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