Campus Dreesz officially announced its second location

To continue growing, Campus Dreesz needed more space for some time and succeeded. With this new addition to the portfolio, Campus Dreesz starting to feel like a real Campus location.
Entweder believes that dividing is multiplying. This also applies to the concept of Campus Offices. It used to be that the workspace was just your office, your desk, and the coffee machine for you and your colleagues. Now it’s so much more. More and more of the facilities in an office space are being shared. In the Campus Offices formula, at least 30% of the real estate is shared whereas before it was at 10%. In the future, we will see as much as 50% being shared.
The Campus Offices concept has shown that the facility-sharing formula works. Campus location Delta shows this: Last year this location was completely empty and a year later it is full of happy tenants. These tenants share facilities such as a social heart, various meeting rooms, event space, panna cage, game room, library, gym, and much more.
Besides sharing, Campus Offices focuses on three other pillars: flexibility, community, and technology. At Campus Offices, scaling up and down is very easy because of the many options each Campus location offers and the flexible contracts. Twice a month an event aimed at the Campus community is organized at each location. Pub quizzes, guest speakers, drinks parties, and bingo sessions are organized.
Furthermore, technology plays a major role within Campus Offices. For example, all locks can be opened via the OfficeManager app, all meeting rooms can be booked via the same app and visitors sign-in on the digital reception column.
In September 2021, Dreesz merged with Campus Offices. The current Campus portfolio consists of nearly 46,000 square meters. Proving that shared amenities, flexibility, community, and technology are loved by companies and tenants. As a result, both the Campus portfolio and the Campus team have grown significantly over the past year.