Upcoming developments in Skepp’s five-year plan

February 19, 2022

Last year Skepp has seen a lot of growth. Not only in the number of employees but also in revenue. In 2021, turnover grew by no less than 88,1% compared to the previous year. With this growth, Skepp has laid down a strong foundation for further development. This basis is converted into further growth in Skepp’s five-year plan.

The company has become an authority on the office rental and furnishing market. In the upcoming years, Skepp will focus on becoming an even bigger player in this market. With a recognizable corporate identity and market proposition, Skepp wants to become top of mind at leading companies. In addition to the further development of the office rental platform and Office furnishing, Skepp is involved with the development of OfficePlanner tool and Officemanager app.

OfficePlanner tool

The DIY tool for your office design. The Officeplanner tool makes it possible to design and furnish a complete office digitally. One can customize the digital floor plan of your office and design it with furniture from Skepp. In a world in which people increasingly want to do things online by themselves, Skepp wants to offer an online tool to help companies with office space with the (digital) furnishing of it. This tool allows you to automatically calculate the price of the complete design and receive a quote directly in your inbox.

In the coming years, this product will be further developed into its own platform. On the one hand as a lead generator for Skepp, and on the other as a standalone product. This tool will have its own domain and proposition. Making white label possible, Skepp hopes to attract more third parties who can manage their own assortment of office furnishing.

Current office furnishing activities have resulted in a lot of growth within Skepp last year. Skepp strongly believes that office furnishing should be flexible and adapt to the client’s needs. This is why Skepp provides complete modular office furnishing on the basis of Plug & Play. Making your office easily adjustable and therefore more sustainable for the future.

Officemanager app

The digital office operating system transforms office space into a service. The Officemanager app makes it possible to completely digitize real estate objects. In the last two years, this solution has been piloted by sister company Campus Offices and various other locations. The further development of the Officemanager app is done in-house by Skepp. Officemanager will have its own branding and corporate strategy, separate from Skepp. Starting this year, Officemanager will be loaded as a standalone venture.

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